Land Use, Development And Zoning Matters
Poole Brooke Plumlee attorneys advise and represent clients in all aspects of residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use projects, including development agreements, public-private partnerships, transportation and utilities. Our representation and experience is outlined below:
- Represented development and building industries throughout the Coastal Virginia region in the areas of zoning and permitting for residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use projects.
- Extensive experience in all stages of development including planning and consulting services, due diligence, re-zonings and proffers, conditional use permits, zoning variances, and negotiating and lobbying for changes to local land use ordinances and comprehensive plan policies.
- Prepare and pursue local government approvals such as re-zonings and conditional use permits from local legislative bodies, as well as variances and administrative approvals from CBPA Boards, Boards of Zoning Appeals and other local administrative agencies. Our team will also prepare and negotiate property acquisition agreements related to land development.